Monday 30 January 2023


Visitors and Residents.

Who am I? What was my digital journey like?

Visitors and Residents are words to describe the level of engagement with the internet and online sources.

Marc Prensky (2001) started describing students as digital natives and digital immigrants, where the natives are someone already born in the digital era and immigrants who have learned how to use technology, but might never be able to become as fluent as natives.

Visitors and Residents, however, are more looked at from the perspective of the ‘mode’ of engagement (White, 2014b).

If a Visitor is someone who makes individual choices on what to retrieve from the web, without any footprint left online; a Resident, will have a more social presence, hence he is called this way, he will interact with others online, making posts, being involved in discussions.

I have always considered myself a person who ‘repels technology’. When I studied in high school and was doing my Bachelor’s at a local university in Uzbekistan, this was the time when the first mobile phones and the internet just arrived.

We would access the internet in small internet cafes, with a dial-up connection, which took a while to load a page. We were not aware of the amazing opportunities the internet would offer at that time, so we mainly used it to look up information related to our studies. For that time and a few years afterward, I would say I was a Personal visitor, mainly sending audio/video messages, having rare live chats on MSN (to my friends and fiancée in the UK), and emailing through I believe Skype had also become available around that time, but I never used it actively.

I graduated from the university and started working, this is where I had to have more interaction with online resources. I worked at a training department and had to conduct presentations, I was also responsible for updating standard operating procedures. Due to a lack of experience in quality assurance, I had to go online to see samples, and some tutorials on how to make PPT presentations. I would say I was an Institutional visitor at that point because the online activities were not solely for myself, but also for the institution, i.e. my workplace.

When did I become a Personal resident? After I got married and had a child I had to stay at home for some time. For work, I did translations remotely, mainly sending/receiving translations via email. I was quite active on translation forums, looking for offers and discussing terms/abbreviations, etc. I watched some films online and sent photos to family and friends. I still did not have any profiles on social networks. I had friends from various countries, but mainly communicated via email. At that point, I registered on and sold a couple of bags I had sown and embroidered myself.

And finally, now, I can proudly say I am an active Institutional resident. Thanks to Innovating Learning and Teaching course, I now have a blog, - a fact I would not have believed if told some time ago. I have Instagram and Facebook profiles, working on my LinkedIn profile currently. I am actively involved in research and an active participant in forums and groups relevant to my research interests. I shop online, have both personal and corporate email addresses, and use a range of tools and platforms for teaching (Canvas LMS, EdPuzzle, Canva).

I know there is still a lot to explore and I am excited to learn more.

Reference list

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), pp.1–6. doi:

White, D. (2014). Visitors and Residents. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2023].



Tuesday 24 January 2023


Do what you love, and love what you do💗

Hello there! Welcome to My World of Teaching!

I am Gulnoza; I have been in teaching for over 20 years now, and I continually learn myself. Teaching is what I am passionate about; this is something that inspires me to go further, to learn, to share, and to adapt. Some of the areas of my interest include blended learning, material design, assessment, and special education. I am an empath who believes in social constructivism and collaboration.

Come join me on this journey where I will share my experience and be happy to read yours.